You deserve respect!
You alone have been blessed with your unique and extraordinary path for achieving your goals. Allow the light of your positive thinking path to guide you. Positive thinking wisdom. When God/Spirit/Universe has blessed YOU with the light of positive thinking will you choose to remain in darkness? Treat you positive thinking mind like a new born baby, be gentle, offering unconditional love! Together, for all who choose, we can unite with other positive thinkers. Unfortunately, YOU may need to move away from dark and Negative Thinkers and make room for God/Spirit/Universe. For here is where the light of your INTENTION manifests! For here is where your RADIANCE shines! Repeat after me, "I am positively respecting me!" "Empowering YOU to Empower YOU!" #positivemindsconnect #positivitycelebration #conferences #love #women #sacramento#eldoradohills #charitable #events #nonprofits#volunteering #giving #celebritychefcookoff Yvette