
"Special relationship" this is e.g.o.distracting you from having positive and empowering relationships. Special relationship (e.g.o.) feeds on sadness and loneliness. This separates you from the light (positive thinking). The idea is to sacrifice positive thinking so that e.g.o.can live, thrive and ruin your positive SELF-WORTH, your positive SELF-IMAGE and your positive SELF-RESPECT. Is this how "special relationships" are brought into being through the death of your positive self-respect. Know thyself. Repeat after me, "I am worthy of unconditional love!" You are L.A.C.E.! (Learning, Accepting, Changing & Excelling) "Empowering YOU to Empower YOU is EASY for YOU to do!" Blessings and positive thinking successes to you and yours. #smilesunday #positivemindsconnect#positivitycelebration #conferences #love #women#fashion #model #style #fashionshow #partners#sacramento #elkgrove #eldoradohills#charitableevents #nonprofit #giving#bigdayofgiving2018 #celebritychefcookoff https://www.achievingpositivethinkingworldwide.org/partners https://www.positiveconnectionstotheworld.com/yvettes-blog- https://www.facebook.com/ykelley7 https://plus.google.com/117372429158256090463